St. Xavier’s Public School is a full fledge primary school following NCERT/CBSE curriculum. It has classes from Pre School to Grade 6.
Education at St.Xavier’s Public School is designed in accordance with the vision of St.Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great spiritual luminary of the 19th century and the founder of the CMI congregation – providing the finest information, inspiring and invigorating the young minds and integrating the physical intellectual, mental and spiritual powers of the student in order to create a new generation of proactive individuals.
Scholastic and Co scholastic excellence, world-class infrastructure combined with a team of professionally competent, morally upright, caring and dedicated staff make SXPS a destination for those who wish to groom into academically excellent, culturally talented and socially acceptable human beings and efficient enterprising global leaders.
St.Xavier’s Public School, Mundra
+91 9925073353
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